Monthly Archives: June 2011

Time is so short

I need to keep reminding myself of this one simple fact; Time is short. We only have so long here on earth and we need to make every moment worth while. I spend way to much time doing the things I enjoy. Playing games, visiting family, scrapbooking, gardening, and etc. Yet, I know that there are so many people out there who haven’t yet heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. I need to learn to discipline myself more and learn to take more time to read God’s Word, to pray and to be ready for His soon return.

I read a great devotion today. It talked how God sacrifice his son, wow, and we too need to sacrifice the things we love, like our play time, our family time, maybe our rest time. After all, anything we sacrifrice is nothing compared to giving up your only son to die on the cross.

So my prayer, and goal is to give God more of my time. I hope you will consider doing the same.

Pastor Joanne Huber

A Day Off

I dont get too many days off of work. But today is one of them. I have plans to spend some time with family. And seeing it is spring I will do some gardening if time allows. But most of all I want to spend some quality time with my Lord. Read my bible, pray, sing some songs. And have a heart to heart time with him. The hardest part is taking time to listen to what God has to say. To sit and wait at his feet. Just like any other skill we learn it takes practice. I once learned a song “Practice makes perfect, so I guess if I practice more perfect I’ll be” We never really reach perfection until we get to heaven. I am going to post a true story I found on the website. It really touched me. I hope it touches you too. Listed under Links you will find, 6 Big Angels

Have a blessed day!